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Biplanar Breast Augmentation 450cc
This patient wanted to increase the size of her breasts. Using sizers, we determined that she wanted 500 cc of volume. The Vectra three dimensional system showed that she would be best served with 500 cc high profile implants. She elected a inframammary approach and we used Mentor High Profile gel implants. She was pleased. Breast Augmentation performed by board-certified plastic surgeon Peter D. Geldner, MD, with offices in Chicago and Oak Brook.
- Age: Between 25 and 35 years old
- Weight: Between 135 and 145 pounds
- Height: 5'8" to 5'11"
- Post-op Timeline: 6 months
- Implant Type: Silicone Gel
- Implant Shape: Round
- Implant Incision: Inframammary
- Volume: Between 450cc to 500cc
- Implant Profile: High
- Technique: Biplanar