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Periareolar Biplanar over 600cc
This woman came to me with very clear requirements. She wanted to be big. She would not accept mastopexy incisions. Her physical examination showed involutional breast changes and asymmetry. After much discussion, sizer use, and Vectra three dimentional simulation, we came up with a solution. We used Mentor Ultra high Profile implants through a periareolar incision with biplanar placement. 590 cc on the right, 650cc on the left. She is pleased. Breast Augmentation performed by board-certified plastic surgeon Peter D. Geldner, MD, with offices in Chicago and Oak Brook.
- Age: Over 45 years old
- Weight: Between 125 and 135 pounds
- Height: 5'4" to 5'7"
- Gender: Female
- Post-op Timeline: six months
- Implant Type: Silicone Gel
- Implant Shape: Round
- Implant Incision: Periareolar
- Volume: Over 600cc
- Implant Profile: Ultrahigh
- Implant Placement: Submuscular
- Technique: Periareolar Biplanar