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12 Month Post-Op Breast Lift Patient
This parient came to me with a history prior breast augmentation. Many years ago, she had Allergan style 110-330 implants (textured gel, low profile, 330 cc) placed in a subglandular plane by another surgeon. She wanted to eliminate the textured implants and replacemnt with smooth. She needed to have the capsule removed. She wanted subpectoral placement. She wanted to tighten the skin envelope with a vertical mastopexy. We corrected the situation with placement of Allergan Natrelle SSLP- 235 implants. Her recovery was uneventful and she is pleased.
- Age: Between 46 and 55 years old
- Weight: Between 125 and 135 pounds
- Height: 5'0" to 5'3"
- Gender: Female
- Post-op Timeline: 12 months
- Implant Type: Cohesive Gel
- Implant Shape: Round
- Implant Incision: Periareolar
- Implant Profile: Low
- Implant Projection: Low
- Implant Placement: Submuscular
- Implant Base: Round
- Technique: removal of subglandular textured implants, submuscular placement of smooth gel implant, vertical mastopexy, capsulectomy