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Tummy Tuck: Patient 5

Tummy Tuck: Patient 5

Tummy Tuck: Patient 5

This 30 year old woman had children and ecperienced loss of tissue volume. She wanted to have a breast augemntation at the same time as an abdominoplasty.We used a Periareolar approach for subpecctoral placement of Allergan 15-421 gel implants. Her abdomen had a discrete loss of tisue adjacent to the umbilicus requiring repair of the deeper tissues. No liposuction was performed except for a little to smooth the ends of the transverse scars.

  • Age: Between 25 and 35 years old
  • Weight: Between 125 and 135 pounds
  • Height: 5'4" to 5'7"
  • Gender: Female
  • Post-op Timeline: 6 months
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