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How to get the perfect 6-Pack: 4-D Liposculpture

Nothing is more desirable than a smooth, toned tummy. A firm core makes you look and feel younger, and it perfects your silhouette from head to toe.

Unfortunately, getting a six pack is easier said than done. In order to get a flat tummy, most people have to abstain from carbs for weeks (if not months) and they have to spend every waking minute in the gym. Even then, a flat tummy isn’t always in the cards. Whether it’s genetics, body shape, or past pregnancies, sometimes your stomach just can’t be as trim as you desire, no matter how much you diet or exercise.

Luckily, there is an easier way to get an enviable six-pack. At The Geldner Center, we have championed a new liposuction technique that works by banishing belly fat to reveal washboard abs. Dr. Geldner is one of the few Certified Experts in 4-D liposculpture. 4-D liposculpture (also known as Ab Etching) goes a step further than traditional liposuction and not only removes excess fat, but sculpts it in such a way that it mimics the appearance of natural muscles. In other words, we actually use your body’s fat to make your body look buff and toned, all without you having to sweat out hundreds of crunches a day.

No Crunches Required!

4-D lipo, the new and innovative technique truly combines art and science, as your abs are literally created and defined in a matter of hours. The procedure is popular with both men and women who are looking for a more defined midsection.

Using cutting-edge 4-D liposculpture technology, the procedure targets problem areas such as the love handles and the lower abdominals, and contours unflattering bulges into a sculpted physique.

At The Geldner Center, Dr. Peter D. Geldner, is able to reshape, tighten and define to provide our patients with an aesthetically pleasing result. It’s just one of the many ways we are taking plastic surgery in Chicago to the next level and making our patients look and feel their very best.

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