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What is CoolSculpting? All your questions answered

Chicago plastic surgeon Dr. Peter Geldner answers your questions about CoolSculpting.

Q:  What is CoolSculpting?

A: CoolSculpting is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that freezes away stubborn fat.  The technology was developed by renowned Harvard University Scientists after observing that some children got dimples due to eating popsicles.  The idea that cold can selectively affect fat was the insight behind this FDA-approved technology. There are no needles, no surgery and no downtime. It’s really a great option for almost anyone who has stubborn fatty areas.

Q: Who is a candidate for CoolSculpting?

A: Anyone who is comfortable with their weight and has stubborn areas of fat that they just can’t get rid of. If you can “Pinch An Inch” you are a good candidate for this.

Q: How does CoolSculpting work?

A: CoolSculpting uses controlled cooling to target and crystallize fat cells. The resulting crystallized fat cells are gradually removed by the immune system. In the weeks and months following treatment the remaining fat cells condense, reducing the fat layer. Fat layer reduction in the areas treated with CoolSculpt lead to an noticeable improvement in your appearance.

Q: Will I feel discomfort during the CoolSculpting procedure?

A: As the procedure is initiated, vacuum pressure draws tissue into an applicator cup between cooling panels. The vacuum pressure may cause sensations of deep pulling, tugging and pinching in the area being treated. You may also experience intense stinging, tingling or aching. These sensations generally subside as the area being treated becomes numb.

Q: What can I expect immediately after CoolSculpting?

A: Immediately after the procedure, your treated area may look or feel still and may have some temporary whitening of the skin. The treated area may be red for up to a few hours after the applicator is removed. Also, there may be some bruising, swelling or tenderness in the treated area. This typically resolves within one or two weeks. You may also feel a temporary dulling of sensation in the treated area which generally resolves within a few hours but may last several weeks.

Q: What is the recovery time from CoolSculpting?

A: Typically, the recovery time after CoolSculpting is minimal. Most patients return to their daily routine immediately after the procedure.

Q: What should I expect for the first few days or weeks after my CoolSculpting treatment?

A:  It’s common for the treated area to have some swelling in the first few days and weeks after your treatment, but this varies patient to patient.    You also may experience some itching, tingling, numbness or tenderness to the touch.  This is not unusual and generally does not last past the first week or two after your treatment.

Q:  When will I begin to see my CoolSculpting result?

A:  You may start to see changes as early as three weeks after CoolSculpting and you will see the most dramatic results after one to three months. Your body will continue naturally to process the treated fat cells from your body for approximately four months after your procedure.

Q: How do I know which areas I can have treated with CoolSculpting?

A:  You need to call our office at 312-981-4440 and set up a consultation. At that time we will examine you and assess, based on your desired results, which areas you should have treated. You and our trained staff will put together a treatment plan indicating the treatment necessary to obtain the best results.

Q: How much does CoolSculpting cost?

A: The cost of Coolsculpting is determined by the number of areas you choose to focus on for your optimal result. The best results occur when any given area is treated twice within a two week span of time therefore, the only way to determine the price for you is to come in for an assessment.


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